You’re given the pointer to the head node of a sorted doubly linked
list and an integer to insert into the list. Create a node and insert it
into the appropriate position in the list. The head node might be NULL
to indicate that the list is empty.Input Format
You have to complete the
Node* SortedInsert(Node* head, int data)
method which takes two arguments - the head of the sorted, doubly
linked list and the value to insert. You should NOT read any input from
stdin/console.Output Format
Create a node with the given data and insert it into the given list, making sure that the new list is also sorted. Then
the head node of the updated list. Do NOT print anything to stdout/console.Sample Input
NULL , data = 2
NULL <-- 2 <--> 4 <--> 6 --> NULL , data = 5
Sample Output
NULL <-- 2 --> NULL
NULL <-- 2 <--> 4 <--> 5 <--> 6 --> NULL
Explanation 1. We have an empty list, 2 is inserted.
2. Data 5 is inserted such as list remains sorted.
Insert a node into a sorted doubly linked list - Hacker Rank Solution
Node SortedInsert(Node head,int data) { Node n = new Node(); = data; if (head == null) { return n; } else if (data <= { = head; head.prev = n; return n; } else { Node rest = SortedInsert(, data); = rest; rest.prev = head; return head; } }
Thank you so much bro!