Write a bash script which does just one thing: saying "HELLO".
Input Format
There is no input file required for this problem.
There is no input file required for this problem.
Output Format
Sample Output
A quick introduction to 'Echo'
This is the equivalent of common output commands in most programming language (print or puts statements).
This is the equivalent of common output commands in most programming language (print or puts statements).
For Example:
echo "Greetings"
This outputs just one word "Greetings" (without the quotation marks).
echo "Greetings $USER, your current working directory is $PWD"
This picks up the values of the environment variables and and displays something like:
Greetings prashantb1984, your current working directory is /home/prashantb1984
The above message, of course, will vary from system to system, depending on the setting of environment variables.
Recommended Resource
A quick but useful tutorial for bash newcomers is here.
A quick but useful tutorial for bash newcomers is here.
Let's Echo- Hacker Rank Solutions
echo "HELLO"
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