Friday, January 3, 2020

Sum and Difference of Two Numbers - Hacker Rank Solution

The fundamental data types in c are int, float and char. Today, we're discussing int and float data types.

Sum and Difference of Two Numbers - Hacker Rank Solution

  • The problem statement mentions how to input variables of a particular data type and also how to output variables.
  • We need to declare two variables of type int (%d) and two of type float (%f).
  • Input the variables using the scanf function and print the output using the printf function.
  • The tricky part here is to format the output of the floats such that the variable is rounded to one decimal place. This can be done like this: printf("%.1f", a). Here the .1 in the format specifier, specifies that the variable should be rounded down to 1 decimal place.
Problem Setter's code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
 int n, m;
    float a, b;
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
    scanf("%f %f", &a, &b);
    int sum_of_ints = n + m;
    float sum_of_floats = a + b;
    int diff_of_ints = n - m;
    float diff_of_floats = a - b;
    printf("%d %d\n", sum_of_ints, diff_of_ints);
    printf("%.1f %.1f", sum_of_floats, diff_of_floats);
    return 0;

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